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I enjoy the game. it was really short and fun the fact that Miko don't take damage is so surreal in a game i mean you can only win and i am the type of person that love winning and i mean like all the time!

Thanks! I appreciate it lol. And yea winning is nice haha. I wanted to do more in it, but I ran out of time. Also I look forward to playing yours when it comes out!

hehe I know I'm gonna get really scared, but still excited to play <3

Thank you! I hope you enjoyed it lol

hey goodgame! but i have a question,how can i get trueending? 

Thank you! For now there are 3 "endings" but the one after the battle is the current "true ending". But it's a game over because it's still a bad ending. I plan to expand on this game soon though and put more endings. and change the battle system. Thank you again!!!

okay 3endings i have seen all,one of them is so funny,you got me !hha and i wanna know the whole story, it looks like now i just guess the story's reality

Thank you,  I'm really glad you liked it and got all current endings.  Yea i thought that one was pretty funny lol.  :)

the music and art for this was so cute! i liked miko not taking damage, possibly as another sign of her not being grounded in reality?

Thank you! I really appreciate it! And yea its pretty much something like that lol.